The AM Medal 2019
July 1, 2019
Over the past few years, I have worked and collaborated with Professor Hillary Kane from Southwestern Law School. Professor Kane is an expert in the field of Fashion Law in Los Angeles, and has been a wonderful mentor as I explore and study the area myself. This year, as part of her Fashion Law course, we have created the "AM Medal" as part of an internal competition Professor Kane and her colleagues held at the law school. Her students were asked to write and present a blog on an important and pressing issue within the area of Fashion Law.
The winner of the first AM Medal 2019 is "BUT, IT'S MY FACE!" by Lizzy Suarez and Shaun Flint. The blog focuses on the ownership of the copyright of photographs when looking at celebrities and social media. If you follow me on social, you'll know that this issue is one that I've discussed before. From the Kardashians to the Hadids, celebrities have been given more autonomy through social media in posting and sharing photos not owned by them, creating disputes with photographers and media companies. To read more about this timely issue, I've published the winning blog here.
Given that all the submissions focused on unique and important issues within the realm of Fashion Law, I will be publishing and resharing each submitted blog throughout the summer. From intellectual property to environmental concerns and consumer protection, the legal issues within the area of Fashion Law are continously expanding. Make sure to check back in and follow along the "AM Medal 2019 Series" to hear and learn more from our friends at Southwestern Law School.
_________This site and its articles are published by Alessia Monastero personally, and are not affiliated with any organization or company in which Alessia Monastero is associated with. This site and its articles are intended to be informational only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should not act or refrain from acting based on any information provided on this website. Please consult a lawyer should any specific legal questions arise.